Monday, 26 March 2012

People Sleeping in Libraries

Fukuoka City Public LibraryLibrary visitorsleeping in Library.jpgStudying = best sleeping aid ever!DREAM-TIME-2 / Old Grandpa SleepingSleeping in the library II
Ditlo Seattle Library - restingsleeping in the library ICIMG9514 2Sleeping at the librarySleeping in the library
Not Too ImpressedLapping Lakes Like Leary Loons20:27PM, Friday night, Butler 21024704_1407886316000_1197715696_31231996_1000183_n

People Sleeping in Libraries, a gallery by George on Flickr.

Peace and quiet!


  1. Libraries can be quiet areas to rest, I quess. It is comforting to see that patrons feel relaxed and comfortable in the Library environment.

  2. I love your pictures on people sleeping in the library! I never thought about the fact that it can be a really restful and quiet place for people to have a snooze... but obviously, when you study or read a lot you need a bit of down time....!

  3. What excellent pictures. The high school students in my Library might need to sleep with one eye open :)
